Why KENO Is A Hidden Casino Gem

Keno online is a casino game that is beloved all over the world, across demographics. People who may not know much about the game are likely wondering why it draws such devoted fans at casinos, and why players come back for more time and time again.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience a game of keno online, then don’t worry – we’re here to tell you why you should give this exciting game a chance. One of the reasons that Keno is so popular is how easy it is to play. There are no complicated rules to learn, no hands to memorize, or anything like that. When we say that it’s as easy 1-2-3, we mean that literally.

The first thing you do is decide how many and what numbers you’d like to play – most Keno cards have 80 numbers total, of which you can choose 20 at the most. Then, you decide how much to wager on that online Keno round. After that, the round will begin and 20 balls will be drawn. Winning Keno is based on how many numbers you can match, or “catch.” More numbers matched means a better payout. And that’s it, simple and easy, right?

Many will agree that the positive features of Keno easily beat out the negative. The trick to getting the most out of Keno is to go in expecting to have fun – that’s it! People who play and expect to match every single number have terrible experiences, so going in and expecting a little bit of a win, but not the jackpot, is the easiest way to enjoy the game.

Keno is often overlooked by many casino gamblers, and it’s a shame as to why. It’s not a flashy game by any means, which puts it on the back foot when compared to the likes of roulette, blackjack, and poker. But, hold on, as you’ve just read, it can be a whole lot of fun to play, let us explain further why we think Keno is the online casino hidden gem that you need to take a second look at.

A Quick Look at the Basics of Keno

There are plenty of critics of online Keno, of course, we wouldn’t bias enough not to address that. In fact, it’s arguably the most disparaged casino game of all-time. Keno is considered low-brow – it’s a lottery game that doesn’t even donate money to a deserving charity. Critics say that it’s just an easy way for a casino to make money off of people who don’t have the skills for proper games, like cards, or people who are drunk. Yes, there are some out there that believe that Keno is an exploitative game that doesn’t have deserving enough status to be considered a true “casino game.”

Serious gamblers have a tendency to look at casino games like they’re going to invest in the stock market – it’s all about the return. Therefore, it isn’t a good game because the odds in other games, like baccarat, are better. It seems as though every possible attempt to turn players away from the game has already been used over the years, but the game is still generally quite popular despite “serious gamblers” not giving it the time of day.

We’re of the firm opinion that gambling, in general, should be fun, and if you’re entertained by your chosen game, that’s a perfectly valid reason to play it. The high risks in casinos mean better rewards, and the odds at games are never going to be even at the casino.

Basic Keno is a straightforward, easy game to learn. There are a variety of other versions of the game as well, and the name can even be seen on a few scratch games (though these works very differently than casino Keno, so be very careful). In a game, three choices must be made by the player:

  • Wager amount (somewhere between $1 and $20)
  • Amount of betting “spots”(between 1 and 10)
  • Numbers to place into the “spots” (20 total, chosen between numbers 1 through 80)

Even if you choose numbers that aren’t drawn, it’s completely possible to still win, largely due to the fact that this game is driven by luck and is as random as it gets.

The “spots” in keno have individual paytables, so if you were to bet on five total, winning requires a match in at least three of the five. For games in which you bet on ten spots, you can win with five numbers out of the ten, or no numbers at all. For the big payouts, the one-spot game can pay out at approximately 4-1, while the ten-spot keno games pay out in the millions-1 range.

The best odds for players are typically found in 4, 5, or 6 spots, depending on individual rules of where it is being played. Players will want to check the odds before playing, as every casino may have different payouts than the one even next door. State lottery games are also going to be played differently between states, and different than what is played in the casino.

Players simply fill out the Keno card and hand it over to the vendor. Depending on where the game is being played, results will either be posted online or broadcast on a screen. Honestly, when it comes to simplicity of play, Keno is in a class all of its own. It simply comes down to picking numbers and hoping for the best. Anyone can play, literally anyone – as long as they are of legal gambling age of course.

What Makes Keno online So Fun?

We won’t hold you up much longer. There are countless reasons as to why Keno online is so fun, here are eight to get you started.

Reason 1 – Keno’s Risks are More Flexible Than Typical Slots

There are differences between a game like slots and a game like Keno, and both have their unique benefits, of course. One big benefit of Keno is that players can choose the level of risk that they want to take. It’s not required that you bet on ten numbers in an online Keno game, after all. This adds a nice tailored, customizable element to Keno, something that slots aren’t quite able to match.

Keno shares more similarities with games like craps or roulette than with games like slots or blackjack, even if that might not be immediately obvious. The type of bets is decided by the player in Keno. When you play a slot machine, your winning chance is better than a bet in roulette. In addition, slots players are gambling on a theoretical return. Similarly, the return in games like baccarat or blackjack is dependent on a few choices made by the player. Players in Keno can bet on combinations of numbers, meaning that the players in Keno online choose their odds.

This same concept is applied to lotteries run by governments. Six numbers are drawn, plus a bonus number and combinations of at least three numbers can win. You have an input in the outcome by selecting numbers you wish, so while the game is probably 99% luck, you at least have 1% input of deciding your own numbers to play with.

Reason 2 – Games are Slower Paced

Players in games like slots can make hundreds of bets in a single hour. A $500 bankroll doesn’t last in fast-paced games, and a casino trip can be over in a matter of minutes, depending on the games you pick. We have seen it time and time again, just spend any time on a Las Vegas casino floor to see it for yourself. Many head to an online casino with big dreams and big budgets, but the electric pace of most casinos means that such bankrolls don’t actually last long at all.

Keno games are played at much slower rates, and the pace varies from casino to casino. Some have games going every five minutes, or as few as five or six in an hour. Keno games that are run by a government vary wildly between every few minutes and one single game a day. Generally speaking, you can’t blast through games and Keno, you need to sit and wait for each game session to end before a new one starts – think along the same lines as bingo.

This means that Keno is perfect for players who like to take their time and really consider how much they want to bet and on what. Slots don’t afford the same opportunities – there are only the options for reducing paylines or betting the max. Craps is also for gamblers who like to think, but in a much faster-paced scenario that can be stressful for some, while roulette players prefer to play with strategies. If you want a slower-paced Casino game, Keno really is the leading pick.

Reason 3 – Keno is Available in Many Places Where Other Casino Games Are Not

Keno online isn’t exactly like Powerball or any of the other lotteries you may be used to in the United States and around the world. It’s of a higher sophistication if you ask us, and many authorities responsible for government lotteries also have a Keno game available to play. If you live somewhere that doesn’t have a casino right around the corner, you can also look into playing games of Keno online, which are available in many different states and many countries.

The sheer simple nature of Keno means that it doesn’t take much to put a game together. Casinos can have a Keno game up and running in no time without too much trouble, with this being doubly so in the online domain.

Reason 4 – Keno Draws Happen Every Few Minutes

Just like in casinos, government authorities hold many drawings in a day. Players can watch for the results of their games on monitors and broadcasts. Though this method may not be as action-packed or have the same crowds as a Keno game in an online casino USA, it is still more exciting than playing your average state lottery. In addition, you’ll find keno monitors at many locations locally.

Keno has a much more leisurely feel about it, with it being a case of just watching the game unfold on screen. This pressure-free nature gives it a comforting feel, especially as a fresh new game launches every few minutes.

Reason 5 – Keno Online Games are Widely Available

Keno online games can be found in a variety of locations, some that you may not expect. Buffets and restaurants can offer games while you eat lunch, for example, or you may find you’re able to play online with the same lotteries that are sanctioned by your local government. These online Keno games are approved and strictly monitored. You can even find games at online casinos that have nothing to do with your local government or jurisdiction. These online offerings have even more varieties than what you’ll find at a physical casino.

You would truly be surprised by how easy it is to get involved in a game. Online casinos have also jumped on the mobile trend by offering mobile Keno. When it comes to mobile Keno, all you need is a smartphone and active internet connection (4G, 5G, or Wi-Fi) and you can easily start playing. These days, a game of Keno is only ever a screen tap away.

Reason 6 – Groups of People Can Play Together

It is a social game in a way that many lotteries just aren’t, even if it might not immediately seem that it thrives on the group play experience. People can play in packs and in real-time and even throw “Keno parties” just to play together. Occasionally you’ll see pools in offices for playing as a group and splitting the winnings – in this situation, we recommend that everyone involve signing a contract about the requirements and prize money.

Don’t believe anyone when they say that Keno is a lonely, isolated game, as it really is anything but. Group play is common, with Keno being a much more social game than most probably realize.

Reason 7 – Online Keno is More Popular than Slots… Kind Of

This one may surprise you – Keno games are more popular than slots games – hear us out on this. Even casinos don’t know why the numbers add up the way they do, but a simple explanation would be that games can be found in many locations that slot machines aren’t, including in almost every country in the world.

Psychologically speaking, a benefit that comes from playing such a popular game is knowing that you’re playing alongside other people – a group that numbers in the millions. There is, of course, the prizes as well – financial boosts are definitely a benefit – and the prizes in Keno can be much bigger than most slots, save for a few progressive slot jackpots. Keno is popular and well-funded, meaning that you can win high amounts even if you’re just playing at a local bar.

Another reason would be that Keno is massively popular in Asia, even if that doesn’t always translate to the western world. Slots still aren’t a big deal in Asia, so if you go on global player numbers alone, you’ll likely find that Keno is a more popular form of gambling than slots.

Reason 8 – Keno is Packed with Big Wins

Keno has the image of being an OAP favorite. Now, while the game does have older generation appeal, that doesn’t mean that the game isn’t flush with cash that can draw in younger punters. Over the years we’ve seen some huge players ride Keno numbers all the way to the bank. Remember, Keno has its roots in a lottery style game, and what are lotteries known for? Huge wins!

Just look at one Australia’s most famous big win stories. Professional gambler Zeljko Ranogajec decided to take a break from strategy heavy casino games and give Keno a try, given what happened we’re pretty sure that he’s happy about this decision. Back in 1994, when playing Keno at the North Ryde RSL Club he won a staggering $7.5 million dollars. There are countless stories like this regarding Keno around the world, so if you don’t think you can win big playing Keno, we certainly urge you to think again.

Keno online – Pros and Cons

While you certainly take note of everything we just said, we get that you might not have time to go over it every time you step up to play a game of Keno. In that case, we have a little cheat sheet below, so here are the pros and cons of Keno so you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into next time you play the numbers.


  • High levels of entertainment – Betting is always exciting, but the slow draw of numbers can be even better as you wait to see if you’ve caught another one.
  • Easy to play – Keno is a game that you can pick up with minimal knowledge and play. It’s easy to understand and start playing in mere seconds, with no practice, training, or strategy needed.
  • Lots of ways to win – Though you won’t be winning all 20 of your numbers, big wins can still be in matching 5 or 6 or even more numbers.
  • Different varieties – There are many varieties of Keno to play online and at casinos, meaning that you’ll never get bored with the game. Speed Keno, multiple cards, fewer numbers, the diversity is nearly endless.
  • Great for Bingo and Lotto fans – You may have noticed that Keno is similar to games like Bingo and Lotto, so if you like either of these, Keno is a good option for you.
  • Potential winnings – Doubling or tripling your wager is easy in Keno, or even more.
  • Casual and fun for groups – Since Keno is so easy, it’s a great game to play in a group. Concentration isn’t necessary, and even novices will have a good time.


  • Matching all 20 numbers is virtually impossible – Matching every number that you play is mathematically possible, yes, but incredibly unlikely.
  • Old people play Keno – Keno is a long-lasting, popular game that is attractive to a variety of age groups, thanks to how easy it is to play. So yes, elderly people do play, as do people in their twenties, and everyone in between.
  • Keno is slow – In terms of pacing, Keno is quite a bit slower to play at a casino, compared to games like slots or roulette. If you find that you’re interested in playing but don’t like how slow-paced Keno can be, you’ll be happy to know that online Keno is faster.

It’s Time to Start Playing Keno online!

Though the odds in Keno may not be as good as other games, it is easy and fun, with a chance at big wins. A game is easy to find, and as long as you make good choices, Keno can be both exciting and lucrative.

Yes, we understand that it isn’t the most glamorous casino game. The likes of James Bond won’t be playing it in the next Hollywood blockbuster that’s for sure. However, the idea that Keno can’t deliver action is further from the truth. This game is fun, social, and packed with cash, so next time you’re at the casino, don’t overlook this hidden gem of a game!

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